XLIC outputs
On May 12, 2017, XLIC Action came to its end. During its four-years live time than 300 articles have been published acknowledging XLIC, many of them in high impact journals, prove of the scientific excellence of the Action. But the real success of XLIC has been to create a network of new collaborations among the most relevant European groups working in the understanding and control of the complex chemical dynamics of molecules interacting with XUV and X-ray radiation or highly energetic ions. Scientific breakthroughs in the study of processes in the attosecond time scale, as the ultrafast charge migration in molecules, has required to join the efforts of seve-ral theoretical and experimental groups. Many of these scientific achievements will be collected in a special issue of PCCP that will be available on line soon.
XLIC results obtained during the Action lifetime or benefitting from networking within the Action can be found below:
- Full list of publications acknowledging XLIC, or not acknowledging but related with the Action.
- Summary of XLIC networking activities: https://xlic.qui.uam.es/?page_id=1262
- Computer programs or utilities developed to describe the coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics in complex molecules
- New experimental setups for electronic control of molecular reactivity at the attosecond time scales
- New protocols for structural determination and control of molecules and molecular ions
- PhD thesis benefitting from Action networking
- Research projects and proposals emerging from Action networking: https://xlic.qui.uam.es/?page_id=3568