WG1 Expert Meeting on “Frontiers in attosecond theory: from atoms to molecules to solids’’

WG!-EM-imgThe WG1 Expert Meeting on “Frontiers in attosecond theory: from atoms to molecules to solids’’ has been approved by the COST Management Committee.
The workshop will take place in Han-sur-Lesse (The Ardennes, Belgium) on April 4-8, 2016, at the Domain des Masures.
The chair of the organizing committee is Prof. Bernard Piraux.

The meeting will cover the following topics:
– hole dynamics in inner/valence shells of atoms/molecules
– ultrafast response to electron removal in solids
– ultrafast dynamics in chiral systems
– theoretical methods for ultrafast dynamics

Invited speakers:
Vitali Averbukh (Imperial College, London);  Jamal Berakdar (Martin-Luether University, Halle), Alexander Galstyan (University Louvain la Neuve), Bernard Pons (CELIA, Bordeaux), Armin Scrinzi (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich).

The deadline for registration was January 29, 2016.

Participants who have received confirmation on their registration should now pay the accomodation and meals expenses in accordance with the information received. Deadline for payment is March 18, 2016.

Scientific programme:
The abstract submission deadline  was January 29.
Abstracts were reviewed by the organisers (olga.smirnova@mbi-berlin.de  and Bernard.Piraux@uclouvain.be) and by the program committee, which included: Prof. Henri Bachau (CELIA Bordeaux), Prof. Piero Decleva (Università di Trieste),  Prof. Lars Madsen (Aarhus University), Prof. Fernando Martin (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid).

All abstracts have been accepted as talks. The preliminary programme and its schematic view can be downloaded here: XLIC-WG1-EM-preliminary_program and here: Meeting schedule

IMPORTANT: How to get to the meeting place on Sunday April 3?

  • From Brussels National Airport
    At the airport, go to the local train station (situated two levels below the arrival hall) and buy a ticket to Jemelle. Do not forget to ask for a direct connection, otherwise you might have to change train in Namur.
    All the trains leaving Brussels National Airport go to Brussels. You will first arrive at Brussels-North station where you change and take the train to Jemelle. Jemelle is located at about 15 km from Han-sur-Lesse. We will organize a shuttle service.

    Details about the timetable for Brussels-North – Jemelle connection may be found on the following webpage: https://timetable.captaintrain.com/trains/bruxelles-nord/jemelle?_ga=1.11051956.1865930889.1456833555

    In order to organize this shuttle service, we ask you to send us well in advance your flight number as well as your arrival time at Brussels airport. In case of problem the day of your arrival, you will be able to contact us at the following numbers: 0495102560 (secretary) or 0494601445 (B. Piraux mobile phone).

  • By car
    You have to reach the motorway A4 (E411) connecting Brussels to Luxembourg. At the exit 22 (Rochefort), follow the direction Rochefort/Han-sur-Lesse. In Han-sur-Lesse, take the direction Rochefort, the Domaine des Masures is located at about 1km from the centre of Han-sur-Lesse.
    The address of the Domaine des Masures is: Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais 40, 5580 Han-sur-Lesse.


Registration form
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  3. (required)
  4. (required)
  5. (valid email required)
  6. Attendance:


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