- Categories
2e AMO Physics attosecond molecular processes Biomolecules CECAM CM1405 Computational Chemistry Computations Conference Control of Chemical Reactivity COST Action CM1405 DESY DFT dynamics Dynamics of Chemical Reactions e ECI ELI ESPA2018 ESR Expert Meeting Faraday Discussions FEL Femtochemistry femtosecond pulses Final Meeting GEFAM IBER2017 ICPEAC imaging Interstellar Molecules ISIAC IYL2015 Manuel Yañez meeting Molecular and Ionic Clusters Molecular Beams molecular excited states MOLIM networking activities News on-equilibrium quantum processes Otilia Mo PAH Photoinitiated processes Photoionization Quantum dynamics RES rontiers in attosecond theory RSEF School Solid state chemistry Spectroscopy statistics synergy TCCM Theoretical Chemistry Theoretical Spectroscopy Training School Ultrafast ultrafast dynamics Ultrafast electron dynamics Ultrafast imaging Ultrafast X-Ray ultraslow dynamics WATOC wg1 WG2 WG3 Workshop XFEL YSF Zewail
The first meeting of the Working Group 3 will take place in Birmingham Apr. 14th – 16th 2014.
The Working group focuses on the control of chemical reactivity using laser light. There will be 5 sessions covering control strategies, strong field control, measuring the evolving system, control in the condensed phase and applications. Contributions from young scientists are encouraged: as a talk or as a poster.
Registration will be open Feb. 15th.
For further details see

The 1st XLIC Work Group 1 (Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules) meeting will take place on July 3-4, 2014. It will be co-located with the workshop Free Electron Lasers and Attosecond Sources ( at UCL London.
PROGRAM: The WG1 meeting will be organized in a format similar to Faraday discussions.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (about 200 words) is closed. They should address discussion points raised by the discussion leaders. Submitted abstracts will serve to organize the sessions, promoting discussions on most challenging aspects of ultrafast laser-matter interaction. The deadline for abstract submission was April 28.
The abstracts should be sent to The name of the files should contain the number of the topic and your name, e.g. “3_smirnova.doc” means the contribution by Olga Smirnova to the topic “High harmonic spectroscopy”.
- Topic 1: XFEL and X-ray spectroscopy: experiment (Discussion leader: Jon Marangos)
- Topic 2: Theory of atoms and molecules under intense short wavelength radiation (Discussion leader: Peter Lambropoulos)
- Topic 3: High harmonic spectroscopy (Discussion leader: Yann Mairesse)
- Topic 4: Time-dependent computational methods for multielectron systems in external fields (Discussion leader: Alejandro Saenz)
- Topic 5: Multielectron ionization & coupled electron-nuclear dynamics (Discussion leader: Agapi Emmanouilidou )
In addition there will be two “Work in groups” sessions:
- Group 1: TDDFT and applications to attosecond spectroscopy
Discussion leaders: Francoise Remacle and Franck Lepine - Group 2: Electron dynamics in strong IR fields
Discussion leader: Bernard Piraux
The program for each session/topic can be checked following the links above.
BUDGET ACCOMMODATION: Single rooms at UCL dorms are still available for booking either at “Schafer House” for 36.5 pounds per night or at “Ifor Evans” house for 32.5 pounds per night.
Book your room by sending e-mail to Ms Cherril Fontaine
WG1 MEETING REGISTRATION (NEW DEADLINE: April 11th, 2014 at midnight):
No more submissions accepted at this time.
The 2nd XLIC General Meeting (COST Action CM1204) will be held at Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland) on September 10-12, 2014. It will also host the 3rd XLIC Management Committee (September 10th).
The schedule and list of invited speakers are already settled. Two poster sessions will be held in order to exchange views and stimulate discussion on research topics. Final meeting programm can be downloaded here: [2nd_XLIC_GM_programme]
The 2nd XLIC General Meeting will include also the Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers. List of speakers selected for an oral contribution during the YSF can be found here:
Deadline for the submission of abstracts for invited talks, YSF talks and poster contributions has already expired.
There is no registration fee to attend the meeting but interested participants must register filling the corresponding form before July 8th, 2014.
Information on how to look for your own accommodation and a list of hotels offering discounts for XLIC participants can be found here. Because of the Volleyball Men’s World Championship will be held in Gdańsk in September 2014, early booking of the accommodation is highly recommended.
There are a limited number of rooms available for participants in student’s houses.
To book a room in the dormitories, you should be logged into the meeting website using the e-mail and password sent during the registration, and select “Dormitory booking” from menu to the right. Deadline for booking a dormitory is the end of July.
The participation of all XLIC MC members and speakers will be supported with Action budget. COST will also fully reimburse those young researchers selected for oral contributions in the Young Scientist Forum and depending on the budget we will try to cover also expenses from other young participants.
Participants entitled for reimbursement will receive an official notification and a message highligting some of the COST rules for reimbursement which should, in any case, be carefully examined before incurring any expense in:
- COST Vademecum, Part I, page 21-28, and /or
- the instructions on how to fill the Travel Reimbursement Request Form (TRR)
Accommodation and meal expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of flat rates. This means that participants should look for their own accommodation.
A reduction on maximum flate rates allowed for this particular meeting has been agreed by XLIC MC. The applicble rates are 80 EUR for accomodation and 15 EUR for meal expenses. For participants staying in student dormitories or other cheap accomodation, less money can be claimed if so desired by requesting the reimbursement for a smaller number of nights.
For travel expenses actual costs can be claimed on the basis of the receipts provided. (Any restriction applying to travel expenses will be notified to each participant entitled for reimbursement)
IMPORTANT: Participants selected for reimbursement are kindly asked to keep their expenses as low as possible to ensure a wide distribution of the Action budget.
The submission of claims shall be done after the meeting, but, for any non-regular expense or doubt you may have, please, better ask in advance ( E.g. fligths departure/arrivals from/to places other than where the eligible participant is working/residing, extra meals, nights, taxi expenses, etc. shall not be reimbursed if permission is not requested before the meeting.

The 2nd XLIC General Meeting (Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland will host the 1st Young Scientist Forum – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs).
The committee of young researchers have selected, on the basis of the submitted abstracts, the following young speakers to give a talk at the YSF. The list is given in alphabetical order:
- Cedric Bomme, FLASH, Germany
- Michael Capron, Univerty of Rennes, France
- Aurélie Chenel, Université Paris-Sud, France
- Simone De Camilis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Ewa Erdmann, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
- Tor Kjellsson, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Sylvain Maclot, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
- Ana Martín Sómer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
- Lihi Musbat, Bar Ilan universityk, Israel
- Geert Reitsma, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Estefania Rossich Molina, Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France
- Janne Solanpää, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
We would like to remind all the YSF speakers that the format of the talk is 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
If not selected as speaker, young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting will have an opportunity to present their results as a poster. The format of the poster is of the A1 size. During the meeting, two special poster sessions are foreseen in order to exchange views and stimulate discussions on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers.
The 3rd meeting organized in the framework of Working Group 2 of COST Action CM1204 (XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry) will take place in Leiden (Netherlands) from May 11 to 13, 2015. It will be an expert meeting centered on Large Interstellar Molecules: “Energetic Processing of Large Interstellar Molecules”.
Three key questions will be addressed during the workshop:
- Which experimental techniques do we need to develop to probe correlated electronic-vibrational dynamics in photo-activated molecules?
- What is the functional role of non-equilibrium vibrational motion for energy and charge transport as well as energy storage in biomolecules? How are these specific molecular motions “selected”?
- Do we have an appropriate theoretical framework to describe and understand these phenomena? Is the predictive power of the current theories enough to accurately predict dynamics and functionality?
More information can be found on the meeting website:
The participation of a limited number of XLIC participants and speakers will be supported with the Action budget. Participants entitled for reimbursement should have been informally notified about their status.
By the end of March, all participants will receive an official invitation to the meeting confirming their eligibility status and highligting some of the COST rules for reimbursement which should be carefully examined before incurring any expense in:
- COST Vademecum, page 19-23, and /or
- the instructions on how to fill the Travel Reimbursement Request Form (TRR)
Since the budget allocated for the meeting is limited, it is highly reccomended keeping the claims for meals and accomodation at the actual level of expensiture during the meeting. Nevertheless. in compliance with COST rules, this subsistence expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of flat rates (no need to show invoices). The applicable flat rates for this meeting, as approved by XLIC Management Committee, are 100 EUR for accommodation and 0 EUR for meals.
For travel expenses actual costs can be claimed on the basis of the receipts provided. (Any restriction applying to travel expenses will be notified to each participant entitled for reimbursement)
IMPORTANT: Participants selected for reimbursement are kindly asked to keep their expenses as low as possible to ensure a wide distribution of the Action budget.
The submission of claims shall be done after the meeting, but, for any non-regular expense or doubt you may have, please, better ask in advance ( E.g. fligths departure/arrivals from/to places other than where the eligible participant is working/residing, extra meals, nights, taxi expenses, etc. shall not be reimbursed if permission is not requested before the meeting.

The 3rd General Meeting of the COST Action CM1204 “XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC)” will be held from 2 to 4 November, 2015 in Debrecen, Hungary. At the end of the first day (around 17 h. ) we will have the 4th XLIC Management Committee meeting, where the main advances of the Action and future directions will be examined.
The conference will consist of 24 lectures given by invited speakers, 12 oral presentations by young scientists as well as 2 poster sessions. More information can be obtained in the meeting website:
Registration: There is no registration fee to attend the meeting but participants must register filling the corresponding form before September 20th, 2015.
Accomodation: Due to the intended all-under-one-roof format of the meeting, all participants are strongly advised to stay in the Centrum Hotel, where the conference will take place. The package per person offered by the organizers is 265 EUR in single room and 188 EUR in double room.
Abstracts: The deadline for submitting the abstracts is September 15. Abstracts may be submitted in either Latex or MS Word compatible formats. The corresponding templates and other information can be checked here.
Young Scientists Forum: Young scientists willing to participate in the 2nd XLIC YSF should submit their abstract together with a short CV before September 15th, 2015.
See details here:
Reimbursement: Invited speakers and MC members will be reimbursed for theis travel expenses in accordance to COST rules. Any reduction in the flat rates will be announced soon.
The 3rd XLIC General Meeting will include also the 2nd Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs). The talk format will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
Seven young speakers will be selected by the young scientific committee on the basis of the submitted abstracts. The presenting author should attach also a short CV (including information about education, oral presentations and publications). For YSF talk, an abstract has to be submitted before September 15th, 2015.
Moreover, during the meeting, two special poster sessions are foreseen in order to exchange views and stimulate discussion on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers. All young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting are encouraged to present a talk and/or poster.
The length of the abstract is limited to one A4 page, including figures and tables (see
The selection of young speakers will be announced on September 25th, 2015.

The 4th XLIC General Meeting (COST Action CM1204) will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, on March 14-16, 2017. It will also host the final XLIC Management Committee (March 14) and the 3rd Young Scientist Forum (YSF).
Deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 31st, 2017. Abstracts should be written in English and uploaded via the online form.
Interested participants must register before February 14th, 2017, by filling the corresponding form. All meeting participants must pay a conference package (including lunch, dinner and coffee) for the days attending the meeting. To proceed with the payment, please, fill, sign and send to the following form.
The conference will consist of lectures given by invited speakers, Young Scientist Forum and 2 poster sessions.
NEW: The draft full scientific program, including timetable, talks and list of poster contributions can be downloaded here: XLIC_GM_2017-ScientificProgram (the most updated version should be checked in the meeting website:
There shall be a special half-day session with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) on March 15. It will include 12 lectures, out of which 6 oral contributions will be chosen by YSF committee based on submitted abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission for YSF was 31st January 2017.
Applicants asking for the talk at YSF are also required to submit a short CV which is to be emailed to Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the selection.
For more details see and You can also contact A. Domaracka (
Selected YSF speakers can ask for financial support from XLIC COST Action.
NEW: The list of young researchers selected to give a talk has been published here:
Due to all-under-one-roof format of the conference, accommodation is also available: both single and double rooms for the price of 65 EUR/night. To book your room, please, fill, sign and send to the following form before February 14th, 2017.
More information can be found in the meeting website:
The participation of XLIC MC members and speakers will be supported with Action budget (with the exception of MC Observers coming from IPC Institutions). COST will also fully reimburse those young researchers selected for oral contributions in the Young Scientist Forum and, depending on the budget, we will try to cover also expenses from other young participants.
Participants entitled for reimbursement will receive an official notification before the meeting. We strongly recommend to check the COST rules for reimbursement before incurring any expense in:
- COST Vademecum, page 20-24, and /or
- the instructions on how to fill the Travel Reimbursement Request Form (TRR)
Accommodation and meal expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of flat rates. A reduction on maximum flat rates allowed for this particular meeting has been agreed by XLIC MC. The applicable rates are 100 EUR for accommodation and 20 EUR for meal expenses. For participants staying in cheaper hotels less money can be claimed by requesting the reimbursement for a smaller number of nights/meals.
For travel expenses actual costs can be claimed on the basis of the receipts provided (any restriction applying to travel expenses will be notified to each participant entitled for reimbursement).
Participants selected for reimbursement are kindly asked to keep their expenses as low as possible to ensure a wide distribution of the Action budget.
The submission of claims shall be done after the meeting, but, for any non-regular expense or doubt you may have, please, better ask in advance ( E.g. fligths departure/arrivals from/to places other than where the eligible participant is working/residing, extra meals, nights, taxi expenses, etc. shall not be reimbursed if permission is not requested before the meeting.
Please note that claims submitted later than 30 days after the meeting shall not be considered.

The International school on “The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science” will be held from 19th to 28th March 2017 in Erice, Sicily, Italy.
The primary objective of this new school is to educate the next generation of scientists who will impact the future of attosecond and ultrafast x-ray science. We anticipate that the school will meet on a regular basis every two years and become a foundation for the ultrafast community. Consequently, the main topics of the course are the following: (i) attosecond science and technology, devoted to the generation and application of attosecond pulses to the investigation of electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, nanostructures and condensed phases; (ii) fundamentals, methods and applications of free electron lasers, synchrotron radiation, ion collisions in atomic and molecular science. Lectures will cover current developments in theory and experiments but are also intended to give the basics of the field.
Please note that, PhD students and post-docs willing to attend the school can apply for scholarships (deadline 30 January 2017). For more details see:
The school co-organised by XLIC COST Action and sponsored by Politecnico di Milano, Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Sicilian Regional Parliament, ELI-ALPS and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.
The organizers,
Louis Di Mauro, Alicja Domaracka, Mauro Nisoli and Sergio Martellucci