- Categories
2e AMO Physics attosecond molecular processes Biomolecules CECAM CM1405 Computational Chemistry Computations Conference Control of Chemical Reactivity COST Action CM1405 DESY DFT dynamics Dynamics of Chemical Reactions e ECI ELI ESPA2018 ESR Expert Meeting Faraday Discussions FEL Femtochemistry femtosecond pulses Final Meeting GEFAM IBER2017 ICPEAC imaging Interstellar Molecules ISIAC IYL2015 Manuel Yañez meeting Molecular and Ionic Clusters Molecular Beams molecular excited states MOLIM networking activities News on-equilibrium quantum processes Otilia Mo PAH Photoinitiated processes Photoionization Quantum dynamics RES rontiers in attosecond theory RSEF School Solid state chemistry Spectroscopy statistics synergy TCCM Theoretical Chemistry Theoretical Spectroscopy Training School Ultrafast ultrafast dynamics Ultrafast electron dynamics Ultrafast imaging Ultrafast X-Ray ultraslow dynamics WATOC wg1 WG2 WG3 Workshop XFEL YSF Zewail

The 2nd COST XLIC Working Group 3 Meeting – Control of Chemical Reactivity will be held at Queen’s University Belfast, on 4th – 5th April 2016.
Scope of the meeting:
The topic of interest of the XLIC Working Group 3 (WG3) is to control the reactivity of highly excited and/or ionized molecules through pump-probe techniques and High Harmonic spectroscopy, i.e., to control electron transfer, isomerization and dissociation with attosecond temporal and sub-Angstrom spatial resolution.
Specific areas addressed by the WG are:
* Development and application of optimal control theory (OCT)
* Use of time-resolved pump-probe techniques to control process relevant to atmospheric chemistry or biomolecules
* Development and use of current theories to treat the dynamics of pump-probe experiments
* Study of the response of molecular systems irradiated by strong fields
Meeting Details:
The 2nd WG3 meeting will be hosted by Queen’s University Belfast over two full days (4th-5th April 2016) with contributions from invited speakers and young scientists, including a poster session.
The meeting will be held in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Queen’s University Belfast. The University is about 15 minutes walk from the City Centre and there are a number hotels in the area. While there are direct flights from European cities to Belfast International Airport (Paris, Vienna, Prague, Pisa, Geneva, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Krakow, Nice, Split), Dublin is accessible from many more cities and there is a regular bus connection to Belfast (2 hours).
Delegates should arrive on Sun 3rd April and leave on Wed 6th April. To register, and for more information, including accommodation, see the conference webpage –
Registration and poster abstract deadline: 1 March 2016
Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to attend the meeting and present their latest results.
Conference programme:
Click the link to download a copy of the program.
Support to participants:
Invited speakers (and some selected participants) who had received an invitation to be reimbursed, can claim their travel and subsistence expenses in accordance to COST rules.
Participants are advised to check COST Vademecum (pages 20-24) before incurring on any expense and to take into account that the flat rate for accomodation has been reduced to 100 EUR.
In particular, please:
– check the supporting documents you should provide in case you are travelling to and from countries other than that where the approved meeting is being held and the country where you are residing. A proper justification and all the documents detailed in page 22 of COST Vademecum should be provided when sending the claim. If not, the claim will be rejected.
– take note on the current definition on Local transport expenses on page 24 of COST Vademecum: now, you should provide tickets/invoices for any trip occurring within the same country if the claim exceeds 25 EUR.
Local Organising Committee:
Jason Greenwood (QUB) (
Graham Worth (Birmingham) (
Daniel Dundas (QUB) (
Hugo van der Hart (QUB) (

The WG1 Expert Meeting on ‘Frontiers in attosecond theory: from atoms to molecules to solids’’ has been approved by the COST Management Committee. The workshop will take place in Han-sur-Lesse (The Ardennes, Belgium) on April 4-8, 2016, at the Domain des Masures.
The chair of the organizing committee is Prof. Bernard Piraux.
The meeting will cover the following topics:
– hole dynamics in inner/valence shells of atoms/molecules
– ultrafast response to electron removal in solids
– ultrafast dynamics in chiral systems
– theoretical methods for ultrafast dynamics
Invited speakers:
Vitali Averbukh (Imperial College, London); Jamal Berakdar (Martin-Luether University, Halle), Alexander Galstyan (University Louvain la Neuve), Bernard Pons (CELIA, Bordeaux), Armin Scrinzi (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich).
Due to the capacity of the venue, the workshop will be limited to 30 participants. The total cost per person is 309 €, and it includes all meals and accommodation for 5 days.
If you plan to attend the workshop, please fill out this form. The deadline for registration is January 29, 2016. Once the list of participants will be known, you will receive the confirmation of your registration as well as more information about the organization of the workshop
The abstract submission deadline is January 29.
Please send one page abstract to and
Please use the following subject line: Ardennes_abstract_name
and indicate in your email the type of the contribution you wish to present: oral or poster.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee, which includes:
Prof. Henri Bachau (CELIA Bordeaux), Prof. Piero Decleva (Università di Trieste), Prof. Lars Madsen (Aarhus University), Prof. Fernando Martin (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid).

The topic of the 2nd meeting on the Energetic Processing of Large Molecules (EPoLM-2) is Carbon- and hydrocarbon molecules: from the lab to space. Building on the success of the first meeting at the Lorentz Center in Leiden in May 2015, we aim to bring together scientists from a broad range of research fields (physics, chemistry, astrophysics, and astronomy) to exchange expertise and work together on joint projects. Here, the focus will be on the latest laboratory results on mechanisms and rates for the formation and destruction of carbon and hydrocarbon molecules under space-like conditions. The aim of the meeting is to combine this knowledge with new observations and astrophysical models.
The 2nd meeting for the members of the XLIC Working Group 2 is organized in the framework of the COST Action CM1204 (XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry). Working Group 2 is concerned with the stability of highly excited and highly charged molecules in the gas phase and their reactivity: interaction with other molecules and formation of new species through isomerization and/or fragmentation.
Conference site
The meetings will be held during 11-13 and 13-15 April 2016 in Stockholm (Sweden), with one common day (April 13). The conference venue is the AlbaNova University Center, which is located close to the city center and is easily accessed by public transport.
Registration: 29 February 2016
Abstract submission: 29 February 2016
Note that the registration may be closed earlier due to the capacity of the venue
Speakers invited to attend the second XLIC WG2 meeting (and some selected participants) can be reimbursed for their travel and subsistence expenses in accordance to COST rules. Please, note that no support to attend the EPoLM-2 meeting will be provided by XLIC Action.
Before incurring on any expense, please check COST Vademecum pages 20-24. In particular, please,
– check the supporting documents you should provide in case you are travelling to and from countries other than that where the approved meeting is being held and the country where you are residing. A proper justification and all the documents detailed in page 22 of COST Vademecum should be provided when sending the claim. If not, the claim will be rejected.
– take note on the current definition on Local transport expenses on page 24 of COST Vademecum: now, you should provide tickets/invoices for any trip occurring within the same country if the claim exceed 25 EUR.
Participants are kindly asked to keep their expenses as low as possible and ask only for the amounts they have spent, even if flat rates allow for a higher contribution, so the Action budget can be used to support more activities/participants. Thank you in advance!
Organizing committee
Henrik Cederquist (Stockholm University), Henning Zettergren (Stockholm University), Henning Schmidt (Stockholm University), Ronnie Hoekstra (University of Groningen), and Alexander Tielens (Leiden Observatory).

The 2nd meeting of XLIC WG1 “Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules” will take place on August 29-30, at the University of Edinburgh. The organizer of the COST WG1 meeting is Dr. Olga Smirnova. The local organizer of the COST WG1 meeting is Dr. Adam Kirrander.
The place for the meeting also allows the COST members to take advantage of the very interesting Faraday Discussions, ‘Ultrafast imaging of photochemical dynamics’ , which will also take place in Edinburgh on August 31-Sept 2, see
If you have not yet taken notice of this Faraday Discussion, please note that the deadline for the Faraday Discussions abstract (poster) submission is June 20.
We have reserved 100 rooms on campus, at the student dorms, for the duration of both the COST and the Faraday Discussions meetings.
To reserve accommodation during the meeting please use the link below:
On the booking site, if you click on the Package Option tab, you’ll see two room booking options, one for 3 nights at £240 – this is in a nicer room with ensuite bathroom.
This option 2 is a booking for 5 nights (covering both the XLIC and the FD), in less attractive but more affordable rooms with shared bathroom (approx 4-5 rooms per bathroom).
The deadline for room booking is June 1.
Alternative/additional options for accommodation for five days covering both meetings are offered by the FD meeting booking system:
You can find more options via hotel booking service appointed for the FD :
Abstract submission for the WG1 meeting is now open. Submission deadline is June 20.
7 hot topic talks will be selected from all submitted abstracts.
Please send abstracts to: and and use the subject line: Edinburgh COST WG1 abstract.
Abstract (poster) submission deadline for the Faraday discussion is June 20.
NEW! Final programme can be downloaded here: 2ndWG1meeting-program
Session 1: “Ultrafast Non-adiabatic dynamics, Surface hopping, solvent effects”.
Discussion leader: V. Engel.
Invited speakers: M. Barbatti, B. Lasorne, F. Santoro
Session 2: “Synchrotrons, ultrafast optical and X-ray absorption spectroscopies”
Discussion leader: V. Averbukh
Invited speakers: O. Travnikova, M.A. Hervé du Penhoat, C. Milne
Session 3: “Time-resolved cluster dynamics”
Discussion leader: T. Fennel
Invited speakers: D. Rolles, M. Krikunova, U. Saalman
Session 4: “Imaging and control of molecular dynamics”
Discussion leader: R. Moshammer
Invited speakers: J. Kuepper, R. Forbes, M. Richter, J. Feist
Session 5: “Multielectron dynamics in external fields: advances in theory”
Discussion leader: E. Suraud
Invited speakers: L. Madsen, A. Scrinzi, H. Bachau, S. Patchkovskii
Session 6: “New trends in attosecond spectroscopy”
Discussion leader: M. Ivanov
Invited speakers: J. Mauritsson, A. Brown, M. Dahlström, F. Lepine
Travel from Edinburgh airport (in order of convenience)
TAXI: Follow signs in the terminal, the taxi rank is located at the bottom of the building across from the terminal. A taxi from the airport to a city centre location should cost about £25-£30 (credit cards are normally accepted, but check with driver).
BUS: Airport busses to the city centre (bus no. 100) are frequent and depart from outside the terminal building. The bus terminates at Waverley Train Station, in the centre of Edinburgh, with a taxi rank close by for onwards travel. A return ticket is £7.50.
TRAM: One can also travel from the airport to the city centre by tram. The trams depart from a station outside the terminal. Make sure to get off at the right stop (for most, this will be the stop closest to Waverly Train Station i.e. St Andrews Square). Note that the tram is slower than the bus. A return ticket is £8.50.
Travel to Pollock Halls, for those who booked the conference accommodation
The easiest way to travel to Pollock Halls is to take the taxi directly from the airport to Pollock Halls. A cheaper alternative is to take an airport bus (see above) to the final stop at Waverley Train Station and then take a taxi to Pollock Halls for approx. £5 (in addition to the airport bus fare).
Please report at the reception at Pollock Halls (open 24/7). The address of the reception is: 18 Holyrood Park Road, EH16 5AY, Edinburgh (note that google maps for some reason places the location marker inside the campus area, when in fact the reception is located near the entrance).
Conference venue
The conference takes place in Lecture Theatre T250 in the Joseph Black Building at the King’s Buildings Campus of University of Edinburgh (see for campus maps). A registration desk inside the entrance of the Joseph Black Building will be open from 08.20 every morning. The address is:
School of Chemistry
Joseph Black Building
King’s Buildings Campus
University of Edinburgh
David Brewster Road
EH9 3FJ Edinburgh
For those staying at Pollock Halls, it is a 9 minute taxi ride (approx. £6) or a 26 minute walk (see e.g. Google Maps for directions).
Last but not least, the meeting will occur at the time of the world-famous Edinburgh Theater Festival, which many of you might get a chance to enjoy.
Please, complete the form below to register. The registration deadline is June 5.
No more submissions accepted at this time.Photochemical reactions have tremendous scientific importance, ranging from photosynthesis to atmospheric reactions, and technologies such as sensors or displays. Due to the intrinsic complexity of photochemical reactions, they remain the least understood type of chemical process. Nonadiabatic dynamics, ultrafast time-scales, quantum effects and conical intersections are known to be important, but a detailed comprehension remains elusive. However, new experimental techniques capable of monitoring photochemical processes in unprecedented detail are appearing. This includes the development of intense-laser techniques, the construction of free-electron lasers such as the XFEL in Europe and the LCLS in the USA, new sources of pulsed electrons, advanced detection techniques, and important advances in theoretical modelling of quantum dynamics. Many of these techniques are developed by research communities not traditionally concerned with photochemistry, but provide an opportunity to shed new light on photochemical dynamics.
The themes for the meeting are:
Electronic and non-adiabatic dynamics
Attosecond processes and X-ray spectroscopy
Structural dynamics
Vibrational and condensed phase dynamics
Deadline for abstract submission: Dec. 14, 2015
Confirmed speakers include:
Prof. Dan Neumark (Berkeley), Prof. Dwayne Miller (Hamburg), Prof. Fernando Martin (Madrid), Prof. Shaul Mukamel (Irvine), Prof. Albert Stolow (Ottawa), Dr. Yann Mairesse (Bordeaux), Dr. Mike Minitti (SLAC), Prof. Artem Rudenko (Kansas), Prof. Andrew Orr-Ewing (Bristol), Dr. Junko Yano (Lawrence-Berkeley)
A full research paper containing new unpublished results always accompanies oral presentations at Faraday Discussions. The oral/paper abstract should outline current research in progress. Authors of the selected abstracts must then submit a full research paper with a significant amount of new, unpublished work by 11 April 2016. The research papers and a record of the discussion are published in the journal Faraday Discussions (Impact factor 4.606).
If you are not familiar with the format of Faraday Discussions we suggest you visit the conference website ( We look forward to your submissions.
Best regards,
Adam Kirrander and Russell Minns on behalf of the Scientific Committee (Jon Marangos, Nina Rohringer, Olga Smirnova, and Peter Weber)

The International school on “The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science” will be held from 19th to 28th March 2017 in Erice, Sicily, Italy.
The primary objective of this new school is to educate the next generation of scientists who will impact the future of attosecond and ultrafast x-ray science. We anticipate that the school will meet on a regular basis every two years and become a foundation for the ultrafast community. Consequently, the main topics of the course are the following: (i) attosecond science and technology, devoted to the generation and application of attosecond pulses to the investigation of electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, nanostructures and condensed phases; (ii) fundamentals, methods and applications of free electron lasers, synchrotron radiation, ion collisions in atomic and molecular science. Lectures will cover current developments in theory and experiments but are also intended to give the basics of the field.
Please note that, PhD students and post-docs willing to attend the school can apply for scholarships (deadline 30 January 2017). For more details see:
The school co-organised by XLIC COST Action and sponsored by Politecnico di Milano, Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, Sicilian Regional Parliament, ELI-ALPS and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture.
The organizers,
Louis Di Mauro, Alicja Domaracka, Mauro Nisoli and Sergio Martellucci
The CECAM workshop Seeking synergy between dynamics and statistics for non-equilibrium quantum processes will be held in Paris in June 6th-9th.
One of the major difficulties in achieving an accurate theoretical descriptions of non-equilibrium processes in quantum mechanical systems is framed by the desire to provide a representation of the system of interest that is as realistic as possible, in a manner that is computationally tractable. The coupling of electronic and nuclear motion involving excited states, the quantum nature of the nuclear degrees of freedom, and the application of time-dependent driving forces, are just few examples of the effects that must be addressed in order to simulate these processes. Each of these effects poses unique challenges to theoretical progress. A number of exact and approximate quantum dynamics techniques are being developed and refined in order to provide algorithms that respond to the demand for a balance between computational efficiency and physical accuracy. Currently available techniques are typically based upon two different, but equivalent, formulations of many-body quantum mechanics, the wave function approach or the density matrix picture.
The proposed workshop aims to bring together the two principal molecular quantum dynamics communities (wave-function methods and density matrix approaches). The scope is threefold, (i) to identify and explore common goals and obstacles, (ii) help in fostering new ideas to connect these approaches, and bridge the apparent gap between approximate dynamical and statistical descriptions, (iii) identify possible routes to extend dynamics approaches to the domain of statistics.
At the workshop, experts are asked to uncover the fundamental details of the methods in pedagogical lectures. These lectures will be followed by extensive discussions, during which contributed speakers and participants are welcome to put forth some of their doubts and problems in the relation between dynamics and statistics.
Further information can be at:
Preliminary invited speakers are:
Nandini Ananth (Cornell University, USA) Sara Bonella (CECAM, Switzerland) Irene Burghardt (Goethe University, Germany) Eitan Geva (University of Michigan, USA) E. K. U. Gross (Max-Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany) Raymond Kapral (University of Toronto, Canada) Dvira Segal (University of Toronto, Canada) Jeremy Richardson (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Graham Worth (University College London, UK)
The two ICPEAC satellite meetings:
- The 25th International Symposium on Ion Atom Collisions (
- International Symposium on (e,2e), Double Photoionization and Related Topics with the 19th International Symposium on Polarization and Correlation in Electronic and Atomic Collisions
still welcome abstract submissions until the end of April. The confirmed invited speakers are available at the respective Scientific Program links.
We look forward to your participation,
Alisher Kadyrov, Chair of ISIAC
Igor Bray, Chair of (e,2e)-pol

The local organizing committee of the Catalan Chemical Society (SCQ) cordially invites you, on behalf of the Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (DCTC) of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS), to participate at the 11th European Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, September 4 – September 7, 2017, in Barcelona.
The conference will reflect recent advances, developments and trends in the field and its impact on related molecular sciences and technology. EuCO-TCC 2017 will provide a unique information and communication platform and will cover a wide range of subjects related to computational chemistry, theoretical chemistry, material sciences, biology and drug design, and from fundamental academic research to industrial applications.
This invitation is addressed to scientists in academia, industry and in governmental institutions. You are all warmly welcomed to share your most recent findings and ideas and to continue the tradition of EuCO-CC conferences (Nancy 1994, Lisbon 1997, Budapest 2000, Assisi 2002, La Londe le Maures 2006, Tale 2006, Venetia 2008, Lund 2010, Sopron 2013, Fulda 2015).
Outstanding keynote speakers will outline recent trends in vary fields of interest. The scientific program will be completed by exhibitors presenting latest methods and applications in the field of computational chemistry.
The next Joint Iberian Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics IBER 2017 will take place in Barcelona, Spain from September 12 to 14, 2017.
IBER is the biannual conference organised jointly by the Atomic and Molecular Physics Specialised Group (GEFAM) of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and the Portuguese Society of Physics.
The main purpose of this series of IBER conferences is to bring together scientists of Iberian community dedicated to Atomic and Molecular Physics and related areas of to facilitate the interaction and exchange of knowledge between their research groups. Researchers and scientists from all over Europe and the world are invited to attend this conference and share knowledge. The conference will be structured in three days with plenary lectures, invited lectures, oral presentations and a poster session.
For detailed information and registration please visit:
Specific topics of IBER include:
- Quantum Physics and Chemistry
- Experimental Techniques and Applied Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy and Structure
- Biomolecules and Biophysics
- Clusters, Nanoparticles
- Surfaces and Condensed Phases
- Dynamical Studies of Elementary Processes
- Femtochemistry and Laser Control
List of Confirmed Speakers
M. Alcamí, U. Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
V. Aquilanti, U. de Perugia (Italy)
A. Bergeat, U. de Bordeaux (France)
F. Calegari, U. of Hamburg (Germany)
M.L. Carvalho, U. Nova Lisboa (Portugal)
D. Clary, Oxford University (UK)
B. Costa Cabral, U. Lisboa (Portugal)
L.M. Frutos, U. de Alcalá de Henares (Spain)
P. García Jambrina, U. Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
P. Jönsson, Malmö högskola, Malmö (Sweden)
U. Manthe. Universität Bielfeld (Germany)
T. Martinez, Stanford University (USA)
B. Maté, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
E. Narevicius, Weizmann Institute (Israel)
J. A. Paixão, U. de Coimbra, (Portugal)
M. J. Ramos, U. de Porto (Portugal)
O. Roncero, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
D. Shalashilin, U. of Leeds (UK)
S. Willitchs, U. Basel (Switzerland)
Registration is now open. The deadline for early-bird registration is July 6th while abstract submission will be open until June 9th. Please mark your calendars.
Approximately 10-12 contributions will be selected for oral communications. The participation of young researchers and students is particularly welcome.
We looking forward to welcoming in Barcelona!
With best regards
The Organising Committee at Universitat de Barcelona,
Antonio Aguilar Navarro (Chairman)
Margarita Albertí Wirsing
Miguel González Pérez
Fermín Huarte-Larrañaga (Secretary)
Estefanía López Marne
Josep Maria Lucas
Departament de Ciència de Materials i Química Física
Secció de Química Física
Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional de la UB (IQTCUB)
Universitat de Barcelona