The International school on “The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science” was held from 19th to 28th March 2017 in Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicily, Italy: The School was organized by Louis Di Mauro, Alicja Domaracka and Mauro Nisoli.
The main topics of the School were dedicated to attosecond science (generation and application of attosecond pulses to the investigation of electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, nanostructures and condensed phases) and fundamentals, methods and applications of free electron lasers, synchrotron radiation, ion collisions in atomic and molecular science. The school hosted 76 trainees and 21 lecturers form 9 countries who gave 53 hours of teaching.
During coffees breaks participants presented their research in the form of posters. Scientific discussions took place till late nights during evening parties and during two half-day excursions.
The webpage of the School can be found at this address:
The final program of the school can be found below.
The Local Organiser,
Prof. Mauro Nisoli
Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano
Related links:
- Final program: 2ndt XLIC Training School - Final programme (1251 downloads)
- Training school web site
Pierre Agostini, The Ohio State University (USA)
Anne L’Huillier, Lund University (Sweden)
Zenghu Chang, University of Central Florida (USA)
Katalin Varju, ELI-Hu (Hungary)
Phil Bucksbaum, Stanford University (USA)
Ken Schafer, Louisiana State University (USA)
Luca Poletto, IFN-CNR, Padova (Italy)
Dimitris Charalambidis, FORTH, Heraklion (Greece)
Paul Corkum, NRC-CNRC Ottawa (Canada)
Louis DiMauro, The Ohio State University (USA)
Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Sergio Martellucci, Università degli Studi di Roma, TorVergata (Italy)
Jon Marangos, Imperial College (UK)
Fernando Martin, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Reinhard Kienberger, Technical University, Munich (Germany)
Kevin Prince, Elettra Sincrotrone, Trieste (Italy)
Thomas Schlatholter, University of Groningen (Germany)
Patrick Rousseau, Universite de Caen Normandie (France)
Paola Bolognesi, ISM-CNR (Italy)
Lorenzo Avaldi, ISM-CNR (Italy)
Ottmar Jagutzki, RoentDek (Germany)
Henning Schmidt, Stockholm University (Sweden)
Alicja Domaracka (+80), CNRS-CIMAP (France)
Antonella Cartoni, La Sapienza, Roma (Italy)
Nicola Fabris, CNR – IFN Padova (Italy) (Italy)
Victor Despré, Heidelberg Universität (Germany)
Paolo Miotti, CNR-IFN (Italy)
Manuel de Anda Villa, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France)
Hampus Wikmark, Lund University, Division of Atomic Physics (Sweden)
Vincent Wanie, INRS-ÉMT/Politecnico di Milano (Italy/Canada)
Alessandro D’Elia, CNR-IOM, University of Trieste (Italy)
Jan Vabek, ELI-Beamlines; Czech Technical University in Prague – Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering (Czech Rep.)
Mateja Hrast, Jozef Stefan Institute (Germany)
Alexander Galstyan, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Caoimhe Bond, Queen’s University Belfast (UK)
Samuel Jenkins, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
Emmanouil Kechaoglou, Department of Physics, University of Ioannina (Greece)
Neven Ibrakovic, Lund University, Division of Atomic Physics (Sweden)
Biagio Frusteri, Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica, Università degli studi di Palermo, via Archirafi 36, 90123, Palermo (Italy)
Chao Luan, Max-Born-Institute, Berlin (Germany)
Leon Petersson, Univerisidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Sara Mikaelsson, Lund University (Sweden)
Hélène Coudert-Alteirac, Lund University (Sweden)
Andreas Rubisch, MPI PKS, Dresden (Germany) (Germany)
Ioannis Makos, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Heraklion (Greece)
Ioannis Orfanos, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Heraklion (Greece)
Stefanos Chatziathanasiou, FORTH IESL (Greece )
Sudipta Mondal, ELI-ALPS (Hungary)
Lana Neoricic, Lund University (Sweden)
Allan Bildè, LSI, Ecole Polytechnique (France)
Andrej Bunjac, Institute of Physics, Belgrade (Serbia)
Nicola Mayer, Max Born Institut – Berlin (Germany)
Bang Hai, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
Min Zhang, Institution of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese academy of Sciences (China)
Mario Murari, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Giacinto Davide Lucarelli, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Adam Summers, Kansas State University (USA)
Toby Barnard, Imperial College London (UK)
Sankhabrata Chandra, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (India)
Daniele Toffoli, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Farmaceutiche, Università di Trieste (Italy)
Hicham Agueny, Department of Physics and technology, University of Bergen (Norway)
Ola Hassouneh, University of Jordan (UK)
Eithiraj Rajagopal Dashinamoorthy, Department of Physics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore 632 014, India. (India)
Jordan O’Neal, Stanford University (USA)
Aditya Pusala, Department of Physics at Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Prabhash Prasannan Geetha, CNR-IFN Milano (Italy)
Timothy Gorman, The Ohio State University (USA)
Sebastian Jarosch, Imperial College London (UK)
Lorenz Drescher, Max-Born-Institut (Germany)
Alireza Honarfar, (Sweden)
Timothy Scarborough, The Ohio State University (USA)
Mekha Vimal, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India (India)
Dominik Franz, CEA Saclay (France)
Somnath Biswas, The Ohio State University (USA)
Andrew Chew, University of Central Florida (USA)
Sanjay Khatri, University of Virginia (USA)
Jakub Husek, The Ohio State University (USA)
Rana Nicolas, Commesariat a l’energie atomic LIDYL (France)
Zhonghui Nie, School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University (China)
Yujiao Jiang, Institute of Physics, CAS (China)
Dmitry Zimin, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching/Munich) (Germany)
Giovanni Cirmi, DESY/CFEL (Germany)
Douglas Garratt, Laser Consortium, Imperial College London (UK)
Christian Brahms, Imperial College London (UK)
Satya Sainadh Undurti, Australian Attosecond Science Facility, Griffith University (Australia)
Constant Schouder, Aarhus University (Denmark)
Kevin Buehlmann, ETH Zuerich, Laboratory for Solid State Physics (Switzerland)
David Foote, University of Maryland (USA)
Farshad Shobeiry, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg (Germany)
Sofia Botsi, Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg (Germany)
Gregory Smith, The Ohio State University (USA)
Stephen Hageman, The Ohio State University (USA)
Shaked Rozen, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Jacopo Chiarinelli, RomaTre University of Rome and CNR-ISM (Italy)
Shashank Pathak, James R. MacDonald Laboratory. Kansas State University (USA)
David Busto, Lund University (Sweden)
Luca Pedrelli, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Nadja Hartmann, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
Ketan Sharma, Ohio State University (USA)
Andrew Piper, Ohio State University (USA)
Xiang Li, Kansas State University (USA)
Balram Kaderiya, James R. Macdonald Lab., Department of Physics, Kansas State University (USA)
Federico Branchi, Max-Born-Institute Berlin (Germany)
Kristian Boroz, TU Berlin (Germany)
Jaco FUCHS (Germany)
Huseyin CANKA YA (Germany)
Severt Travis (USA)
Sigi LI (USA)
Joseph DURIS (USA)