Meeting of COST Action CM1204 XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC)
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
23-25 January 2017

It was organized by Oded Heber and Yoni Toker at the The David  Lopatie Conference Centre, Weizmann Institute of Science

It was aimed at:
Dynamical processes in molecular and cluster systems play an important role in different disciplines of research including atmospheric and interstellar chemistry, biology, nano-science and more. It is appealing to classify different types of dynamics according to their time scale – from attosecond electronic dynamics, femtosecond and picosecond ro-vibrational motion up to typical nanosecond times of spontaneous radiative processes. However, even in small clusters and biomolecules, coupling of many degrees of freedom can lead to ultra-slow dynamics extending up to millisecond times.
In recent years, experimental techniques for studying these different dynamics have considerably advanced – from the development of ultrafast light sources, including high-order harmonic generation and free electron laser X-ray facilities, as well as highly controlled ion traps and ion storage rings that allow following a slow evolving time evolution of isolated molecular and cluster ions. On the theoretical side, quantum mechanical calculations provide insight regarding short time scales, while statistical models can describe long time dynamics on the ensemble level.
These communities have developed in parallel and often with little interaction with each-other. The goal of this workshop will be to bridge the gap between the different communities towards a full understanding of molecular and cluster dynamics. For example, it will be valuable to understand the role of initial ultrafast electronic and vibrational rearrangement of an isolated system on its slow decay by statistical fragmentation. Does ultrafast dynamics leading to internal conversion influence delayed recurrent fluorescence events? What is the importance of the coherent vibrational motion for long term processes and spectroscopic probes of isolated interstellar environments or biomolecular systems?

We aim at achieving this goal by bringing together leading experts from the different fields: including atto-second science, femto-chemistry, action spectroscopy, ion storage devices, time-dependent quantum mechanics and statistical physics – in order to promote a common language and shared goals. In particular, participants will be asked to highlight the scientific goals and challenges of each field to promote collaborative efforts. We hope that this conference will generate long term collaborations that will advance our understanding of molecular and cluster science across the different time scales.
The structure was three days of scientific activity in a single place and included the following activities: 35 invited talks and hot topics talks selected from abstract contributions, a poster session and a round table discussion about future scientific progress and efforts.
The number of participants was 66.

The final program of the meeting can be found below.

The Local Organiser,
Oded Heber (Chair)
Weizmann Institute of Science
Yoni Toker (Co Chair)
Bar Ilan University
Zohar Amitay
Barry Bruner
Weizmann Institute of Science
Nirit Dudovich
Weizmann Institute of Science
Daniel Strasser
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Daniel Zajfman
Weizmann Institute of Science

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