The 2nd XLIC Young Scientist Forum was held during the 3rd XLIC General Meeting in Debrecen, Hungary.
It was a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs). The committee of young researchers selected, on the basis of submitted abstracts, the following young speakers to give a talk at the YSF.
- Sandra Gomez, University of Vienna, Austria
- Katrin Tanzer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Helena Levola, University of Turku, Finland
- Michael Gatchell, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Mark Stockett, AlbaNova University Center, Sweden
Aleksander Simonsen, University of Bergen, Norway
Morgane Vacher, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Rudy Delaunay, Université de Caen – CIMAP, France
András Csehi, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Vera Krizova, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, Czech Republic
Dmitrii Egorov, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Thomas Kierspel, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY and Universität Hamburg, Germany
Young researchers participating at XLIC General Meeting also had the opportunity to present their results as a poster. Two poster sessions were organised in order to exchange views and stimulate discussions on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers.