Archive for the ‘Open Positions’ Category

A technician contract (20 h. per week) is available in the framework of a synergy project funded by the Madrid regional government (Y2020/EMT-6290, PRIES-CM).

The selected candidate will provide support for the management of the project, acting as liaison between the project coordinators and the funders; provide support for the project implementation, website management, social networks, and other outreach activities: manage and support the exploitation of scientific results; search for additional funding and support the preparation of new proposals; act as intermediary with partners and other interested parties; and provide administrative support and assistance to the project Management Committee, etc.

The position should ideally start by mid-September/October 2022 and will last until the end of the project (by June 2024).

Deadline to apply is September 5, 2022. More information through this link, or in the attached documents ( UAM-manager-call-english.pdf (612 downloads) ).
How to apply: UAM-manager-additional-instructions.pdf (508 downloads)

A research assistant position (predoctoral level) is offered in the Department of Chemistry at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) to work  in the generation of a database of Quantum Chemistry calculations of pesticides within a Proof of Concept project funded by the EU/PRTR and the Spanish Government.
It is a large project in which we are collaborating with industry with the final goal of predicting the environmental impact of pesticides. An important part of the project will be to generate a web-based application to disseminate the information among industrial companies and the automatization of processes to build an expert system to predict the environmental impact of pesticides.

This project will be initially funded for 15 months, but the selected candidate will be offered the possibility to extend it to do a PhD (the exact definition of the project will also depend on the candidate).

Starting date will be October 2022  In case of interest please also write to

Deadline to apply is September 5, 2022. More information through this link, or in the attached documents (SEPIA-PTA-call-english.pdf).
How to apply:


A postdoctoral position is offered in the Department of Chemistry at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) to work in the development of an expert system to predict the environmental impact of pesticides based in Quantum Chemistry calculation.

Details of the position and application procedures are given in the attached document (UAM-PD2-call-english.pdf). In case of interest please also write to The position should ideally start by mid-September/October 2022 and be will initially funded for 18 months.

Deadline to apply is September 5, 2022.
How to apply:

Dr. Antonio Picón at the Chemistry Department ( of the University Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) is looking for a for a PhD candidate to work in attosecond spectroscopy in complex systems. The candidate should ideally start by September/October 2018 and may be hired for up to 3 years.

The research project: Resolving the real-time motion of electrons in complex physical systems is fundamental to advance novel functionalities in catalytic molecules and two-dimensional materials such as graphene. Future studies using ultrafast capabilities with few-/sub-femtosecond x-ray pulses are essential to understand the optical response of these systems in the early steps and unveil the role of electron-electron and electron-nuclear couplings.. The aim of this project is to develop a novel theoretical approach to understand the role of electron transport in these complex systems via attosecond x-ray spectroscopy. More information can be found at:

Eligibility Criteria: Prospect candidates must have, by the date of appointment (September, 2018), a Bachelor degree in physics or chemistry (3 years) and a post graduate specialization degree (e.g. MSc) in Physics or Chemical Physics; good knowledge of at least one programming language (Fortran 90, C, C++, Python, etc.); knowledge of quantum mechanics, solid state physics, basic atomic, molecular and optical physics, and numerical methods; Fluent English; enthusiasm for learning and commitment to teamwork.

Application procedure: Interested candidates are kindly requested to check all details about the application procedure at: . Applications not complying with the call guidelines may be discarded. Deadline for the submission of applications is May 20th, 2018.

Funding: The Comunidad de Madrid regional government provides funding for this job from the call to attract research talent to work in research groups at the Madrid region (Ref. 2017-T1/IND-5432).

Phd position – application form
Phd Call Guidelines

We are looking for a postdoctoral appointee to work in one of the two detailed projects below under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Picón at the Chemistry Department ( of the University Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).

  • Starting date: The position is expected to start by September 2018, and may be funded for two years, subject to the positive evaluation of the hired researcher.
  • Remuneration: Gross salary (before applying national income taxes) is 30.000 Euros/year (it includes Spanish Social Security and public healthcare).


  • Studies of electron transport induced by IR and mid-IR pulsed lasers in semiconductor and two-dimensional materials.
    Resolving the real-time motion of carriers amongst valence and conduction band states provides the foundation for the development of materials with novel functionality and the advancement of modern electronics. Future studies using ultrafast capabilities with few-/sub-femtosecond x-ray transient absorption are essential to understand the optical response of materials in the early steps and unveil the role of electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering. The aim of this project is to develop a novel theoretical approach to understand the role of electron transport in semiconductor and other attractive two-dimensional materials via x-ray spectroscopy.
  • Studies of charge migration in relevant biomolecules and in photosensitizers molecules for catalysis research.
    Charge migration plays a fundamental question to be addressed in the next years, especially for the development of imaging techniques in biomolecules with few-femtosecond/sub-femtosecond x-ray pulses. The group has a strong tradition in this important research line. This project plans to simulate the x-ray probing and explore the possibility with ultrashort x-rays to track the induced charge migration. These studies will be possible to be experimentally conducted in free-electron laser (XFEL) facilities and in novel soft-x-ray HHG-laser-based sources.


  • PhD degree in Physics, Material Physics, Chemical Physics or related,
  • Strong background in quantum chemistry, including the modeling of electronic excited states.
  • Experience in FORTRAN/C++ programming, treatment of periodic systems and/or dynamical calculations will be positively considered.


Applicants should send his/her CV, including the names of two persons of reference, and contact information (in a single pdf file named as the candidate) to before May 30th 2018. Please, include the reference 2017-T1/IND-5432 in the subject of your message.
Recommendation letters could be requested during the selection process.
Selected candidates shall be contacted for an interview.


The Comunidad de Madrid regional government provides funding for this job in the frame the call to attract research talent to work in research groups at the Madrid region (Ref. 2017-T1/IND-5432).

A two year post-doctoral research assistant (PDRA) positions is available at The Open University to work in the group Dr. Jimena Gorfinkiel ( starting in early 2018. The work involves implementing significant improvements to the UKRmol+ suite, in order to produce a software suite to accurately describe atoms and molecules  in intense, ultra-short light fields.

The position is funded by the grant R-matrix suites for multielectron attosecond dynamics in atoms and molecules irradiated by arbitrarily polarised light, a collaboration between The Open University and Queen’s University Belfast with collaborators from University College London, Max Born Institute for Non-linear Optics, Quantemol Ltd.  and the Scientific Computing Department at STFC.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • A PhD in physics, computational chemistry or a closely related field.
  • Experience of applying techniques of high performance computing to problems in physics/chemistry and excellent knowledge of Fortran 95
  • Good numerical analysis and problem solving skills
  • The ability to work both independently and cooperatively as a productive member of a geographically distributed team.

More details and information on how to apply can be found here:   For an informal discussion of the project contact Jimena directly: The deadline for applications is 23 November.

At the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vienna the position of a University Professor of Physical Chemistry (full time, permanent position) is to be filled.

In the research work the applicant should cover a topic of current interest in experimental Physical Chemistry.
The faculty expects the candidate to participate in teaching activities at the level of  Bachelor, Master and PhD curricula, thereby covering the full range of topic in the field of Physical Chemistry.
The University especially encourages younger candidates to apply and offers them an internationally competitive start-up package.

More details in the following document: StA_ProfPhysikChem_englisch_Mai17

The DFG-funded International Research Training Group 2079 “Cold Controlled Ensembles in Physics and Chemistry” at University of Freiburg offers 1 PhD position in the field of femtosecond spectroscopy of cold molecular and cluster beams ( The PhD program in collaboration with the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, offers dual supervision by supervisors from both research sites, and an extended stay at UBC.

We are looking for excellent MSc graduates in Physics, Chemistry or a related area with an interest in interdisciplinary, multinational research. The salary will be determined in accordance with TV-L E13 (75%).

Inquiries and applications should be sent to: Documents should be sent as a single pdf-file including a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications (if available) and the contact details of at least two referees. Further Information can be found at

The University of Freiburg seeks to increase the number of female scientific faculty members and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply for the position. The university is committed to providing a family-friendly workplace. In case of equal qualification persons with disabilities (Schwerbehinderte) will be given preference.

The group of Prof Marie-Pierre Gaigeot at the University of Evry/University Paris Saclay in France has one opened PhD position for ab initio molecular dynamics simulations applied to vibrational spectroscopies in the Terahertz domain (THz).

The group is expert in ab initio molecular dynamics simulations applied to vibrational spectroscopies for gas phase molecules and clusters, liquids, and solid/liquid, liquid/air interfaces in systematic relation with IR-MPD, IR-PD, IR, Raman, SFG, SHG experiments. About 60 papers published on these subjects within the past 10 years.

The opened position and the details for applying are described in detail here:

Please contact Prof Marie-Pierre Gaigeot at and see website: for details on research and list of publications.

The Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) – ERIC ( ), is an integrated multidisciplinary Research Infrastructure open for basic and applied research in the fields of Materials, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology. CERIC has been built by integrating leading national research facilities based in 8 countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Serbia) into a unique European entity supporting the production of basic knowledge and technology transfer and promoting the mobility of researchers in an international multicultural scientific environment.

One post-doctoral position is available for the CERIC-ERIC project Dyna Chiro. The project will investigate the chiral and dynamical properties of matter using the Elettra and Solaris synchrotrons, and other facilities within the CERIC consortium. In addition, instrumentation development will be carried out.

Position description:

  • The position will be located at the Solaris synchrotron, Krakow, Poland, ( The successful candidate will perform experiments on topological insulators using synchrotron light and laser (High Harmonic Generation) sources, under the supervision of Prof. M. Stankiewicz and Prof. J. Szade. In addition, the candidate will participate in soft x-ray beamline development. The candidate will work in collaboration with the other Italian and Slovenian partners in the project.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • A Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry or a related discipline is required.
  • Experience in one or more of the following techniques is necessary: ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) methods for surface analysis, synchrotron based photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption, soft x-ray beamline technology, instrumentation science.
  • The ability to work unsupervised, or together with a team, and the ability to interact with staff and users in an international environment is essential. Good oral and written communication skills in English are necessary. Italian and/or Polish language skills are an advantage.


  • Duration – 12 months, with the possibility of renewal for up to a further 12 months subject to satisfactory performance.
  • The salary will be commensurate with previous experience and qualifications of the Candidate.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae and the names and contact information (including electronic mail addresses) of two or three referees, and be sent by the 24th of March, 2017. If no suitable candidate is found at that date, the search will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

The applications should be sent to the following e-mail address:,  with the subject Post-doctoral position at CERIC-ERIC – Dyna Chiro – Solaris.

For further information about the project, contact please contact:

Prof. J. Szade (, Prof. K. C. Prince (Prince@Elettra.Eu).

See the job offer in pdf: DynaChiro_position in Solaris_1Feb17