Archive for the ‘YSF’ Category

The scientific programme of the next XLIC General Meeting has already been setled and can be downloaded here: XLIC_GM_2017-ScientificProgram (last minute changes should be checked in the meeting website

The list of young researchers selected for an oral contribution during the 3rd Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs), is:

  • Filippo Campi, Lund University (Sweden)
    Towards XUV-XUV pump-probe experiments with attosecond pulses at the Lund Laser Centre
  • Milos Rankovic, Institute of Physics Belgrade (Serbia)
    Photodissociation of hydrated peptide by synchrotron radiation in the VUV region
  • Kristina Isaković, University of Kragujevac (Serbia)
    K-2V process in function of LEE energy distribution
  • Gediminas Galinis, Imperial College London (United Kingdom)
    Towards sub-fs time resolved soft X-ray spectroscopy in liquids
  • Samuel Jenkins, University of London (United Kingdom)
    Momentum maps for atoms in intense elliptically polarised fields
  • Carlos Marante, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
    Angular dependence of resonant photoemission time delays in noble gases
  • Linda Giacomozzi, Stockholm University (Sweden)
    Knockout processes in meso-Tetraphenylporphyrin cations
  • Alexander Galstyan, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
    TDDFT alternative for molecules
  • Arkadiusz Mika, CIMAP/Ganil (Caen) (France)
    Experimental study of the interaction of ions with nano-particles for sizes up to 10 nm
  • Sylwia Stefanowska, Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland)
    Total cross section for electron scattering on hydrocarbons – role of methylation
  • Marta Tarkanovskaja, University of Tartu (Estonia)
    Photoinduced fragmentation of acetamide clusters studied by mass spectroscop
  • Alexander Kaiser, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
    Serine octamer revisited: Homochiral preferences and fragmentation

If not selected as speaker, young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting will have an opportunity to present their results as a poster.

The 3rd Young Scientist Forum (YSF) of XLIC Action – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) will take place in Prague (CZ) on March 2017 as a part of the 4th and final XLIC Action General Meeting (COST Acton CM1204, 14-16 March 2017).

Young Scientist Forum will include 12 lectures, out of which 6 oral contributions will be chosen by YSF committee based on submitted abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission for YSF is 31st January 2017.

Applicants asking for the talk at YSF are also required to submit a short CV which is to be emailed to Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the selection. For more details see and You can also contact A. Domaracka (

Please note that, selected YSF speakers can ask for financial support from XLIC COST Action.

The 2nd XLIC Young Scientist Forum was held during the 3rd XLIC General Meeting in Debrecen, Hungary.

It was a special half-day with talks given by  young researchers (PhD students and post-docs). The committee of young researchers selected, on the basis of submitted abstracts, the following young speakers to give a talk at the YSF.

  • Sandra Gomez, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Katrin Tanzer, University of Innsbruck, Austria
  • Helena Levola, University of Turku, Finland
  • Michael Gatchell, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Mark Stockett, AlbaNova University Center, Sweden
  • Aleksander Simonsen, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Morgane Vacher, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • Rudy Delaunay, Université de Caen – CIMAP, France
  • András Csehi, University of Debrecen, Hungary
  • Vera Krizova, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, Czech Republic
  • Dmitrii Egorov, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Thomas Kierspel, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY and Universität Hamburg, Germany

Young researchers participating at XLIC General Meeting also had the opportunity to present their results as a poster. Two poster sessions were organised in order to exchange views and stimulate discussions on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers.

The 3rd XLIC General Meeting will include also the 2nd Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs). The talk format will be 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.

Seven young speakers will be selected by the young scientific committee on the basis of the submitted abstracts. The presenting author should attach also a short CV (including information about education, oral presentations and publications). For YSF talk, an abstract has to be submitted before September 15th, 2015.

Moreover, during the meeting, two special poster sessions are foreseen in order to exchange views and stimulate discussion on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers. All young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting are encouraged to present a talk and/or poster.

The length of the abstract is limited to one A4 page, including figures and tables (see

The selection of young speakers will be announced on September 25th, 2015.

The 1st XLIC Young Scientist Forum has been held during the 2nd  XLIC General Meeting in Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland).

It was a special half-day with talks given by  young researchers (PhD students and post-docs). The committee of young researchers selected, on the basis of submitted abstracts, the following young speakers to give a talk at the YSF. The list is given in  alphabetical order:

  • Cedric Bomme, FLASH, Germany
  • Michael Capron, Univerty of Rennes, France
  • Aurélie Chenel, Université Paris-Sud, France
  • Simone De Camilis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
  • Ewa Erdmann, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
  • Tor Kjellsson, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Sylvain Maclot, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
  • Ana Martín Sómer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  • Lihi Musbat, Bar Ilan universityk, Israel
  • Geert Reitsma, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Estefania Rossich Molina, Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France
  • Janne Solanpää, Tampere University of Technology, Finland

jangiYoung researchers participating at XLIC General Meeting also had the opportunity to present their results as a poster. Two poster sessions were foreseen in order to exchange views and stimulate discussions on research topics, and to support interdisciplinary communication between the researchers.


The final programme of the next XLIC General Meeting has already been setled: [2nd_XLIC_GM_programme]

The list of young researchers selected for an oral contribution during the first Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers (PhD students and post-docs), is (in the alphabetical order):

  • Cedric Bomme, FLASH, Germany
  • Michael Capron, Univerty of Rennes, France
  • Aurélie Chenel, Université Paris-Sud, France
  • Simone De Camilis, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
  • Ewa Erdmann, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
  • Tor Kjellsson, Stockholm University, Sweden
  • Sylvain Maclot, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
  • Ana Martín Sómer, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  • Lihi Musbat, Bar Ilan universityk, Israel
  • Geert Reitsma, University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • Estefania Rossich Molina, Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France
  • Janne Solanpää, Tampere University of Technology, Finland

The format of the talk is 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion.
If not selected as speaker, young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting will have an opportunity to present their results as a poster. The format of the poster is of the A1 size.

Looking forward to see you in Gdańsk!

The 1st Young Scientist Forum – a special half-day with talks given by  young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) will be held in Gdansk University of Technology, (Gdansk, Poland), during the 2nd  XLIC General Meeting .

All young researchers participating in the XLIC General Meeting are encouraged to present a talk and/or poster.

Abstracts (either for YSF talk or poster contributions) has to be submitted before the deadline: June 8th, 2014. The length of the abstract is limited to one A4 page, including figures and tables. Participants should use the abstract template to prepare their contribution.

The type of participation you choose should be indicated when registering in the meeting website (, no later than June 8th, 2014.

The committee of young researchers will select the speakers on the basis of the submitted abstracts and announce it on June 30th , 2014.