May 16
2nd XLIC General Meeting
Gdańsk University of Technology
Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk
The 2nd XLIC General Meeting (COST Action CM1204) will be held at Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland) on September 10-12, 2014. It will also host the 3rd XLIC Management Committee (September 10th).
The schedule and list of invited speakers are already settled. Two poster sessions will be held in order to exchange views and stimulate discussion on research topics. Final meeting programm can be downloaded here: [2nd_XLIC_GM_programme]
The 2nd XLIC General Meeting will include also the Young Scientist Forum (YSF) – a special half-day with talks given by young researchers. List of speakers selected for an oral contribution during the YSF can be found here:
Deadline for the submission of abstracts for invited talks, YSF talks and poster contributions has already expired.
There is no registration fee to attend the meeting but interested participants must register filling the corresponding form before July 8th, 2014.
Information on how to look for your own accommodation and a list of hotels offering discounts for XLIC participants can be found here. Because of the Volleyball Men’s World Championship will be held in Gdańsk in September 2014, early booking of the accommodation is highly recommended.
There are a limited number of rooms available for participants in student’s houses.
To book a room in the dormitories, you should be logged into the meeting website using the e-mail and password sent during the registration, and select “Dormitory booking” from menu to the right. Deadline for booking a dormitory is the end of July.
The participation of all XLIC MC members and speakers will be supported with Action budget. COST will also fully reimburse those young researchers selected for oral contributions in the Young Scientist Forum and depending on the budget we will try to cover also expenses from other young participants.
Participants entitled for reimbursement will receive an official notification and a message highligting some of the COST rules for reimbursement which should, in any case, be carefully examined before incurring any expense in:
- COST Vademecum, Part I, page 21-28, and /or
- the instructions on how to fill the Travel Reimbursement Request Form (TRR)
Accommodation and meal expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of flat rates. This means that participants should look for their own accommodation.
A reduction on maximum flate rates allowed for this particular meeting has been agreed by XLIC MC. The applicble rates are 80 EUR for accomodation and 15 EUR for meal expenses. For participants staying in student dormitories or other cheap accomodation, less money can be claimed if so desired by requesting the reimbursement for a smaller number of nights.
For travel expenses actual costs can be claimed on the basis of the receipts provided. (Any restriction applying to travel expenses will be notified to each participant entitled for reimbursement)
IMPORTANT: Participants selected for reimbursement are kindly asked to keep their expenses as low as possible to ensure a wide distribution of the Action budget.
The submission of claims shall be done after the meeting, but, for any non-regular expense or doubt you may have, please, better ask in advance ( E.g. fligths departure/arrivals from/to places other than where the eligible participant is working/residing, extra meals, nights, taxi expenses, etc. shall not be reimbursed if permission is not requested before the meeting.