April 4, 2016 – April 5, 2016 all-day
Queen’s University Belfast
Jason Greenwood
2nd WG3 meeting "Control of chemical reactivity" @ Queen’s University Belfast | Belfast | Northern Ireland | United Kingdom

The 2nd COST XLIC Working Group 3 Meeting –  Control of Chemical Reactivity will be held at Queen’s University Belfast, on 4th – 5th April 2016.

Scope of the meeting:
The topic of interest of the XLIC Working Group 3 (WG3) is to control the reactivity of highly excited and/or ionized molecules through pump-probe techniques and High Harmonic spectroscopy, i.e., to control electron transfer, isomerization and dissociation with attosecond temporal and sub-Angstrom spatial resolution.
Specific areas addressed by the WG are:
* Development and application of optimal control theory (OCT)
* Use of time-resolved pump-probe techniques to control process relevant to atmospheric chemistry or biomolecules
* Development and use of current theories to treat the dynamics of pump-probe experiments
* Study of the response of molecular systems irradiated by strong fields

Meeting Details:
The 2nd WG3 meeting will be hosted by Queen’s University Belfast over two full days (4th-5th April 2016) with contributions from invited speakers and young scientists, including a poster session.

The meeting will be held in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Queen’s University Belfast. The University is about 15 minutes walk from the City Centre and there are a number hotels in the area. While there are direct flights from European cities to Belfast International Airport (Paris, Vienna, Prague, Pisa, Geneva, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Krakow, Nice, Split), Dublin is accessible from many more cities and there is a regular bus connection to Belfast (2 hours).

Delegates should arrive on Sun 3rd April and leave on Wed 6th April. To register, and for more information, including accommodation, see the conference webpage – http://go.qub.ac.uk/XLIC-WG3.

Registration and poster abstract deadline: 1 March 2016
Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to attend the meeting and present their latest results.

Conference programme:
Click the link to download a copy of the program.

Support to participants:
Invited speakers (and some selected participants) who had received an invitation to be reimbursed, can claim their travel and subsistence expenses in accordance to COST rules.
Participants are advised to check COST Vademecum (pages 20-24) before incurring on any expense and to take into account that the flat rate for accomodation has been reduced to 100 EUR.
In particular, please:
– check the supporting documents you should provide in case you are travelling to and from countries other than that where the approved meeting is being held and the country where you are residing. A proper justification and all the documents detailed in page 22 of COST Vademecum should be provided when sending the claim. If not, the claim will be rejected.
– take note on the current definition on Local transport expenses on page 24 of COST Vademecum: now, you should provide tickets/invoices for any trip occurring within the same country if the claim exceeds 25 EUR.

Local Organising Committee:
Jason Greenwood (QUB) (j.greenwood@qub.ac.uk)
Graham Worth (Birmingham) (g.a.worth@bham.ac.uk)
Daniel Dundas (QUB) (d.dundas@qub.ac.uk)
Hugo van der Hart (QUB) (h.vanderhart@qub.ac.uk)

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